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David Tipling, A Life Photographing Birds

David Tipling

Photography Experts are thrilled to announce this complimentary introduction to David Tipling . In 1988 David made his first trip to East Africa and took a picture that would soon start making more money every month than he was getting from his salary.

Today David’s pictures hang in various collections around the World and have been exhibited in New York’s Times Square, and the Mall Galleries in London. His photography and knowledge gained as a seasoned tour guide leading photographers to various destinations across the globe to running workshops on the North Norfolk coast is acclaimed worldwide In this exclusive event, David talks about being one of the World’s foremost bird photographer as well as being a professional wildlife photographer, the highs and the lows a that have sold over 300,000 books worldwide. David will also introduce his upcoming series of talks and explain how you can engage with him on the Photography Experts Platform.

15 July 2020 at 17:00:00


Booking Details

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