Assignment Africa – In Search of the Bigger Picture
Steve & Ann Toon
In their first in-depth presentation for Photography Experts, former journalists turned professional wildlife photographers, Steve and Ann Toon, ‘reveal their sources’ and take us on a tour of the wild places, wilderness areas and game reserves that have ignited their photography and sparked their burning curiosity
Whether shooting to a tight brief for a magazine commission, scouting for safari destinations or simply obeying a hunch and following their own leads, the award-winning wildlife couple uncover their distinctive approach to each photographic location. They examine how their former background in magazine journalism - of itself a creative profession - has proved invaluable in their life and work as professional photographers.
In this new presentation for Photography Experts, the couple show how being trained communicators and storytellers has not only informed their photographic development and style but provided them with a backstage pass to dig deeper into destinations and subjects they have felt compelled to discover more about. The photographic journey for them both is as much about the search for the bigger picture as it is about the singular, stand-out image.
Throughout this presentation, the couple will recount some of the stories behind their favourite and most successful images, as they investigate how the varied, cross-over skills of their old jobs has given their work the unique viewpoint it has today – providing the Toons with a lifetime challenge to bring the region and its wildlife fully to light.
Photography Experts bring you the very best photographers who excel at their craft but also deliver a top-quality Web presentation that is as entertaining as it is informative. In each presentation the Expert not only shares their stunning imagery with you but the detail of where and how the image was taken, they will give you their own personal insights on composition and settings not available anywhere else in this format. We seriously recommend registration and participation in the live event for the chance to ask questions directly yourself or listen to the answers they give to other participants. Only registrants to the live event will have access to the Q&A content as well as being given a 72 hour post event streaming of the event, so even if for some reason you are unable to attend you still get to see the full event.
2 June 2021 at 18:30:00
Booking Details