A Creative Photographic Journey
Shem Compion
Following on from Shem's introduction event we are pleased to showcase a dive into his creative approach to photography and how he pushes those who travel with him to achieve their own great images.
This will be a feature length presentation full of photographic tips and insight along with a call to all photographers , especially "Wildlife Photographers" to pick up their cameras for other subjects to develop a diverse portfolio and greater understanding of photographic composition.

The presentation will use a thread of how Shem transitioned from a pure wildlife photographer into a cultural and wildlife photographer which led to exploring more of the remote areas in Africa.
In Shem's words "When I met Art Wolfe in 2012, his one comment stuck with me. He said that as an artist, one should “never have any prejudice” for your subjects. I noticed it in his approach. he photographs any subject matter. If it attracts his photographic eye or intrigues his mind, he is onto it in a flash. The result is an incredible repertoire of skills that you develop, which translates into a diverse portfolio of images."
This has had a profound effect on Shem's approach and the teaching he gives he goes on to say "As such, I followed that maxim and a whole new world of skills opened up to me, as well as interest. One of these has been the remote cultures of Africa. Going from a pure wildlife photographer building hides in Mashatu through to Turkana expeditions in Northern Kenya is a massive transitions. Yet I have grown as a photographer and being able to share this with guests whilst on safari is something I hold dear. Its the intrepid which come on these journeys and the images they gain are far from the norm: They are standouts! Such is life on an expedition."
Sharing this experience with practical tips to improve your own photography will be the focus of the presentation